To extremely want. Great unbearable anticipation for an event or to receive something you want. To ang. the act of looking forward; especially : pleasurable expectation. Most commonly used as "anging"
"I've been anging all week to open my Christmas presents" says little Johnny to his brother.
by Mum 1 May 26, 2007
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Pronounced "Ange" or "Anj"
A random expression of sadness or disappointment,
can be used for several reason:
Opening a disappointing gift
Missing someone
Being owned
Me: Oh, I hope i got a Wii for my bday!
*opens gift, its a bugle*
Me: Ang.


*randomly thinks about love of my life who i havent seen for agessss*
Me: Ang.


Bully: Your such a catnut
*i cant think of a comeback*
Me: Ang.
by KatnuttKATASTROPHE December 27, 2008
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A.N.G. stands for All Night Gamers. A Club/Term invented by Dz, Hej, Hauser, Mason, Duffy, The Kevin's, and Mou. The True ANG. Suck it!
The ANG had their ANG all of spring break!
by Michael Dz March 11, 2008
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another word for 'angry' commonly used amongst people young and old in a most annoying tone of voice
1: are you ang at me?
2: I am now
by nver you mind May 24, 2006
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Ang likes to bend over and take 50 dildos and 17 fists in his ass idrk why
by Angelo the bitch guy July 7, 2018
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I've got the ang for that boomer.
by Mudring February 6, 2011
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