The green fellas setting up camp in your nose.Sergon General Warning:Eating boogers may be scary and upset your stomache.
"Miss Ali did u blow your nose? Was it scary?"
by jerryblank May 16, 2005
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Anything that is descriptive.
#1: Damn, she's boogie.
#2: That party last night was mad boogie.
#3: That's some boogie-ass shit.
#4: Are we in Africa? No, son, we're in boogie town.
by T-Boogie & N-Boogie June 20, 2009
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1. to leave

2. a kind of rock dance

3. (and booger) a piece of solid mucus form the nose
Later, dudes! I've gotta boogie.
by Light Joker December 30, 2005
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An embarrassing dance your parents do when they're drunk.
Dad *downs a beer* "Let's boogie!"
Mum: *giggling* "Yahhhhooo!"
by Lolli Queen October 9, 2005
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It means hood-rat. Or hood-rat in nature. Plain and simple.

It does not mean things that are high-class or someone that is snobby. That is "bourgeois."

White people, please stop defining words with meanings you do not know of.

Alternate possible spellings: boozhee, boujee, boojy, boushi, booshi.
That 200lb girl with a mini dress on sure is boogie.

Guy 1: You want to hit up that lounge, 21st amendment?
Guy 2: Hell no, that place is boogie (ghetto, nasty, blah blah).
by Apollo Kayge November 20, 2012
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"Hey boogmaster want to have a boogie?"
"Im out of boogies! We need to go on a boogie run!"
by Boogie Apprentice March 17, 2010
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low grade,shitty weed as opposed to pookie which is very potent high-grade weed
"save the background boogie for all groupies"
by knucklehead4real January 17, 2006
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