Mirror Morons (noun): A term coined to describe individuals who engage in foolish or unintelligent behavior as a result of being excessively influenced by the actions of others, akin to the concept of mirror neurons. These individuals exhibit a remarkable susceptibility to mimicry, often disregarding their own rationality and blindly imitating the actions and decisions of those around them.

Mirror Morons tend to forego critical thinking and independent judgment, instead relying on social cues and the behavior of their peers to guide their own actions. This phenomenon often leads to a lack of personal responsibility and a disregard for potential consequences, as Mirror Morons prioritize conformity and acceptance over individual reasoning.
"Did you see those Mirror Morons at the mall yesterday? They started climbing on the display shelves just because a few others were doing it, completely ignoring the store's staff telling them to stop."
by SalvyZ July 14, 2023
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A seemingly Chad person who takes a right decision at the wrong time.
Jerry: Man, jimmy is such an alpha chad.
Ron: yea man, that's why that hottie Beth from accounting's been all over him.
Jerry: Well did he ask her out?
Ron: Yea, but turns out her Boss fired her on the day he asked. she ran to the bathroom crying.
Jerry: Poor Jimmy.
Ron: It made him look like an Alpha Moron.
by ray_axe September 6, 2022
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A step up above being just a moron and an idiot.
You, my dear friend, are an moron ass.
by Discomushroom@aim.com July 29, 2011
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A series of moronic actions performed over a period of time. The series can be quantified by time (more than seven days) or events equaling or surpassing 26.
This moron-a-thon can only get better if they if they add mardi gras beads, MD 20/20, a fried twinkie, and a trailer.
by Major Shango February 25, 2020
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An obvious contradiction in what Donald Trump espouses, and what he does.
What a peroxy-moron! Donald Trump wants to put up a wall to prevent illegal aliens from entering the US, yet he has a system to provide them with phony papers, and has been employing them under the table at his resorts for years.
by Randspan February 9, 2019
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