To Putin yourself is to, inadvertently cause the direct opposite action of what you set out to achieve.
Vladimir Putin started a war as he was worried Ukrainian would join NATO and give him a direct border with them. In doing so Finland and Sweden joined NATO and give Russia a direct border with NATO.

A lad phones his best mate to find out why he is spending time with a group of friends including his ex. The best mate asks "if he thinks he would break the man code of you don't date your mates ex's?". The lad replies "well yeah". This ends the friendship allowing the ex friend to date the ex girl.
by SDC 101 December 7, 2022
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Used to describe a blatant lie and then deflect criticism by blaming others
Donald Trump was guilty of blatant putinism when discussing his tax returns with legal team.
by Dongbottle February 16, 2022
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A bold lie. A lie that is so obvious that a unborn fetus knows its a lie. It can also mean dumb and retarded. The lie is so bad that the person who is being told the lie knows it’s a lie and the liar knows that the person being told the lie knows it’s a lie. This word is based on the Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin who has spoken many lies.
Jenny: i separated from the friend group.

Patricia: why?

Jenny: Shelly is full of putinism.
by Stickybug February 26, 2022
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To be stupid and lie. Retarded.
Teacher: Shelly! That is complete putinism!
by Stickybug February 26, 2022
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A term given to "anarchists" and liberals who support communism and/or socialism. Therefore the "Putin"
The term "gluten" comes from the stereotype surrounding modern liberals, or soyboys and them often preferring gluten-free products and soy milk.
My friend, Keith, got into a rant about how capitlism and Trump is bad and how real communism hasn't been tried yet. He's a real Gluten Putin sometimes
by UnitedStatesofKek November 15, 2018
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When you feel like you just took the biggest shit, but upon investigation of the results only a tiny log remains with your ass crack covered in smeared shit.

You attempt an action that everyone in the room believes would be easily within your abilities, but fail at every attempt looking like an asshole. You continue to act as if it was the best results, even when everyone around you has encouraged you to just stop being an asshole
Russia pulled a massive Putin on invading the Ukraine.
by SpookEtooth March 13, 2022
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The director was PUTINIZED because she refused to collaborate with frontline staff; she was then ousted by a unanimous vote of no confidence.
by Greeneyedsmallfry March 24, 2022
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