Hulk (huhlk): verb-to manhandle or use roughly/with excessive strength.
Amanda broke her laptop because she was hulking at the keys. Sadie couldn't open the pickle jar, so she hulked the lid and finally got it loose. If you can't get something to work, just hulk it.
by PurpleNerd20 August 26, 2019
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When a man and a women are having seggs, and the man gets pissed off at the women, so the man starts screaming and breaking everything in sight, including the woman, killing them most likely
guy 1: bro my gf wasnt good at seggs last night so i hulked her

guy 2: damn that sucks
by DYNcleve July 6, 2022
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Ripped tab of nappy off when doing up clean nappy
Man i just hulked a nappy by ripping the tab of this nappy, didnt know my own strength.
by Missthng April 26, 2015
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An exclamation that feels so good to say when you're in a bad mood. From "The Incredible Hulk"
Hulk bash! Get out of my way, puny human!
by pentozali November 5, 2008
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The American team brought Mini Hulk in a suitcase so they wouldn't have to buy an extra plane ticket, and when they got to the competition, they would say something like Say Hallo to My Little Friend, and out of the suitcase Mini Hulk would climb before snatching up a world weightlifting record.
by The Original Agahnim August 11, 2021
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A drink made from hard cider and Midori liquor.
At Dan’s Place in Rhode Island I asked for a drink with Midori and hard cider. Jenny, the bartender asked what it was called. I said an Incredible Hulk.
by 0neHugeWang! July 24, 2021
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