When a hot girl flirts with you just so you give a good tip or when they go ahead and add a tip non consensually.
Drunk Golfer: “Hey I’ll take two purple pies”
Hot Cart girl: “Ok, $10 tip too?”
Drunk Golfer: “Absolutely”
Unknown Bystander: “You’ve been tip raped”
by golfer12345 July 20, 2023
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Can be called bar rape this is rape in a bar
She was drunk and Legitimate rape him
by 459395 February 25, 2022
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When a friend or family member forces homemade food on you and won't take no for an answer.
Me-I'm not looking forward to Thanksgiving at your mom's this year.

Friend- Why not? I thought she put out a feast for you.

Me- She does and its mostly awesome. But when it comes time for desert she totally Bake Rapes me. I'm already stuffed but I can't leave the table until I have a huge piece of her apple pie. If I try to get out of it she takes it personal so I just close my eyes and get thru it.
by metmike November 20, 2013
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When an object on sale is egregiously expensive, usually seen as a franchise of expensive items usually related to a hobby. The high pricings of these items gouge out the wallets of the customer, leaving a miniscule amount of cash in the rubble.
Guy 1: "Why the fuck did I start playing Warhammer 40k."
Guy 2: "What's so horrific about it?"
Guy 1: "The fucking expensive as hell mini-figures has me poor and writhing on the floor shit-vomiting. It's just Wallet-Rape. My cash is gone."
Guy 2: "Graphic description of your suffering but okay."
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Wallet rape: adjective.
Used in the sense that something takes consistent amounts of money. Typically used when referring to games with microtransactions or constant downloadable content you must pay for to continue playing. Could also be used in other situations such as a popular stripper at the club.
Man 1: Hey you should play world of warcraft.
Man 2: No way man that game is wallet rape

Man 1: Yo have you gotten a lap dance from Cookie yet? She's fine as hell.
Man 2: Nah brah that bitch is some wallet rape
by Mr Fluffy Paws September 22, 2017
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The act of someone kissing you while in a relationship.
He bent down and kissed me and then 1 month later he told me he’s in a relationship this whole time. So he lip raped me.
by Jo876 September 23, 2021
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When some one looks at you weird fucking sight rape
“Ya Carl looked at me weird”

“Girl that mother fuckin sight rape sue his stupid dummy fat ass”
by ConnyzCorpse January 30, 2021
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