Chuck: how was the date last night?
Steve: solid she loved the stiff and Wesson.
by Nhlistotallyfun March 4, 2016
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When you sniff your mans dick when it’s hard
Damn bro I’m bouta go sniff the stiff
by Flick da stick January 13, 2018
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Geting a boner.
Dude, I know this hot girl, when I see her, I'm always gettin' a stiff!
by peepeeweeweee January 28, 2009
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When you have so much hairspray in your hair that you could snap it off and use it as a throwing star.
girl 1: "What's with all the hairspray?"

girl 2: "I want this to be stiff nugget."
by beebus February 5, 2010
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The action of dabbing while your arms and body are stiff
by veganslayer February 22, 2019
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When you see someone hitting a golf ball and you feel bad for them because you assume they have prosthetic legs. Their ability to flex and move their lower extremities is so bad that you imagine they were hit by a train as a child or had polio because their parents were anti-vaxxers.
So I was watching this guy tee off the other day and I felt so sad thinking of what happened to them as a child. Then I watched them walk away and it was perfectly normal. He was stiff as a ball hitting a golf shot, but walked fine. Really bizarre, must be at least a 10 handicap without an actual handicap.
by Scotty Nice July 27, 2023
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popularized by the dj know as 3ulf "wicker and stiffs" blatantly means a stupid individual with a small penis and a big mostly ugly face or head wick meaning the tip of a candle and stiff meaning An extremely boring cunt.
"Mate did u see those ugly guys in school the other day"
"Yeah i did ,stupid wicker and stiffs they were "
by a falling slice of mango October 31, 2011
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