a person or thing that wins; victor.

2. Albana D.
Albana D. (Future S) is a WINNER because she gets two LSC in one day and closes on every deal
by M-Slot87 June 19, 2017
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A winner is a person and/or persons that dress, look, act or are otherwise extremely trashy.
These people generally have mullets, poorly died hair or other distasteful hair cuts.
Their dress code is generally short shorts, fluorecent colours, clothes that bare more skin than the person should show and can often be found smoking.
"Hey Ziyi look over there, she's a big winner"
"There's no denying that she's a winner look at her hair cut it just screams winner"
by YourDemigod September 24, 2007
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A phrase used to exaggerate excitement or happiness when something goes your way.
by Kenworth Crowlsnd March 27, 2009
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a winner is when a guy is having sex with a chick and goes out as hard and as fast as possible in order to come VERY quickly. When he does he shouts, "WINNER" in her face!
by penguin July 24, 2003
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the best netball team to ever walk the planet. slightly arrogant, but for just cause. winners never shrink in the face of adversity. no matter what, they will win. gold medals are not uncommon, nor are winning game scores such as 83-3. their defensive end doesn't see much action, but thats ok.. because they are winners. they are winners both on and off the court... (as they are SL.UTS)
the UTS mixed one netball team are such winners
by in your face !!!! July 10, 2010
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a person or thing that wins; victor.
William John David Julius is not a winner, he is the definition of a loser.
by sara toompson April 1, 2013
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A loser who sucks at losing...
The special olympics kid who always wins, is a loser, but he never loses which ultimately makes him a winner.
by Chris LeComte April 19, 2007
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