The USSR stands for the United Syrup Sipping Radicals, aka Canadians. While another abbreviation (more commonly known) for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Syrup Sipping Radicals is a relatively new "slang" abbreviation used to describe the Canadians.

Person 1: The USSR is eating too much syrup, now there's a shortage!

Person 2: The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics make syrup?

Person 1: No! The United Syrup Sipping Radicals!

Person 2: United Syrup Sipping Radicals?

Person 1: Canadians dude...

Person 2: Oh...
by socomseal45 April 3, 2009
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the former USA now, called the Union of Socially Significant Republicants...
put the zsar in the pronunciation...

man that last election was a USSR (Uzsar) loser.... duh bya
by magnusonart April 30, 2005
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When someone steals your supplies and then eastern Europe
god Stalin is the leader of the USSR
by The Pincone January 31, 2019
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The best team on World in Conflict

And the USSR would have been successful nation if their goverment hadn't been nutters

Also they technically won the space race
1.)They own Teh amercians and NATO on world in conflict

2.)The USSR would have been successful if they hadn't spent all their money on the damn space race
by Camel killer November 2, 2007
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Discovered in 2006 by a kid who thinks is a communist. It was perfected through a number of test launches until finally, successful, to achieve enough speed and force to penetrate the victim. Used as a weapon for defense or sometimes to annoy the shit out of a person. A USSR Chinner is launched through a process of a countdown which begins from 3...2....1....Pooofff! Lift Off! The USSR chinner is mainly designed to cause great pain to a persons chin. Symptoms of a person that recieved a USSR chinner is, a person with a hanging jaw or somtimes no jaw at all. If a person sees someone with no jaw at all dont think its cancer that caused the person to lose their jaw, theres always the USSR Chinner.
Dave recieved a USSR Chinner for saying a stupid joke to some of his friends. The next day Dave had no jaw. TOOO BAD.
by USSR Annonymous December 22, 2006
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a ussr fankid is a kid (typically 12-14 year olds) that makes jokes about the ussr and how it was better then the usa and they would live there, and they have no idea of the shit that went down in 20-90s
"oop the ussr fankid changed their profile picture to the soviet flag"
by wandamaximoffismilfhornyslut October 11, 2022
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