the perfectest instrment in the band/orcastra, better than all of those evil gay instruments
by Larissa February 17, 2005
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for a woman to rim (lick) your ass, while reaching around and jerking you off
she was on the rag so I asked her to trombone me. Man she can give dizzy Gillespie a run for him money!
by rs January 25, 2005
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When your tossing a guys salad and you reach around and jerk him off like your playing a trombone.
"Hey bitch give my a tromboner."
by Steve Winkler January 26, 2005
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An ignorant name used by some jealous bastard when that someone see's a trombonist with their trombone, because they think it is funny. usually used by football players, cheerleaders, potheads and people that have no life.
~walk, walk, walk~

footballer- "hey tromboner!" "hahaha"
trombonist- ~mumble~ "douchefuck"
by ~blah, blah, blah~ December 20, 2009
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oral stimulation by tongue on a willfully-willing male's sphincter while masturbating his donger, by an ..oh, musician?
hit it down a bit hon, C-note is too high!
by hytham_hammer July 10, 2005
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the best part of the band that doesn't make mistakes and mostly is the party section and they no who boss
Person:this group is the more party group then playing but they always get the work done

Trombone Player:hm it might be the baritones wait no

Person:its the trombone section


by Trombonie August 22, 2008
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A heavy instrument thats kinda hard to learn and hold but it gets better
1:Bro my trombone is so fricking heavy!
2:Really? Let me help you carry it.
1:Nah i want buff arms, this will help at least a little.
by SnigSnogNoDong October 16, 2019
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