A increnibly stupid person.
Karen: VaCcEnEs CaUsE aUtIsM
Anyone with half a brain: Shut the fuck up, troglodyte. You're getting a free trial of a world without vaccines with The Boomer Remover around.
by DickFace69696969 March 24, 2020
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A huge, generally male, rock or metal concert goer who is either really fat, really tall, or really muscular. You will find this person entering a mosh pit just to smash anyone smaller than them by any means possible.
Holy shit! Look at that Troglodyte go! He just bashed that kid on top of the head.

That Troglodyte came from out of no where. I guess that is where my concussion came from.
by nfusaf September 10, 2010
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Example: I asked the troglodyte what his name was he said it was tristen
by Jesse Hasty August 28, 2021
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Pronounced -trog low dite- used to describe a hideous woman usually seen at the end of the night hanging round kebab houses looking for a cock to ride. Like a sucubus but more grotesque.
Woke up next to a right troglodyte this morning I'll never do 9 jaeger bombs in a row again.
by Gashstreetkids May 31, 2020
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A popular term among Black people to refer to white people as, furthered by evidence through their Neanderthal genealogy and inferiority.
Troglodytes should all die the same way they killed our brothers.
by bizarro_lives September 10, 2020
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An intensely ugly, unattractive, unwanted person. Often used in a self-degrading way. Someone of low intelligence, a Neanderthal.
Man, I made a stupid decision, I'm a parasitic troglodyte.
by sweetswede August 17, 2010
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One who takes excessive joy in watching any of the offerings of ESPN. These people would prefer watching mindless repetitive droning about irrelevant sports nonsense over more interesting channels such as The Science Channel, The History Channel, or any other cable channel providing any information that may be useful in any way.
I went to the gym today and all 10 TVs were on ESPN. God I wish those sports troglodytes would at least sacrifice one of their precious TVs so we could at least watch something blow up on the history channel?
by uuth September 29, 2010
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