The one ugly girl who is hanging out with a group of good looking girls. Someone in your group will have to "take one for the team" and hang out with the token.
Hey Josh, you get the token tonight!
by Brandon March 2, 2004
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A person who makes a stupid mistake and is then branded with a name related to this mistake to forever rub their stupidity in their face.
A person who tries to change $20 into change but instead puts their money in a token machine and receives $20 worth of useless tokens would be branded "Token."
by Gauntlet17 July 22, 2012
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An extremely hilarious guy who’s undeniabley handsome and sexy. He’s a self proclaimed asshole, but it really isn’t true. He’s wicked smart and he makes your day every day. He’s thoughtful and sweet and will make your heart smile. Everyone loves Token.
"Wow, that guy is amazing. I've never met anyone as cool as him!"
"It must have been Token."
by SmileyWriter August 21, 2014
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Anyone poor and unemployed, who is light skinned and born in USA.
by Collage Edecated. August 9, 2019
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A word used when fondling with your nipples in a random and eccentric mannor.
When you feel the urge takes you, you stand proud, tilt your head, fondle with your nipples whilst in a posh accent you parade around shouting "token token token"
by Kate Hickey October 27, 2005
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The act of visiting a seaside town pier specifically to play children's arcade games which pay out tokens depending on a combination of your luck and skill. Tokens can be saved up over a period of time and exchanged for awesome prizes ranging from big Zippy teddy's to a small kids bike. A day out tokening also involves fast food, ice cream and sharking girls.
"Man I think we need to go tokening again soon - I miss the excitement of scoring a super bonus. Plus it's going to be hot so we can have a good shark too!"
by los_galacticos March 26, 2012
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In a small group, a person who can get naked without it being awkward or sexual.
Person 1: Did Colleen just strip out of her bathing suit in the middle of the living room on her way to the shower?

Person 2: Yeah, no biggie, she’s the token nude.
by Kherj December 25, 2020
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