To impede or block access to.
Dude, quit storking the remote!
by Mandi January 19, 2004
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Function: verb

Etymology: Originally Middle English, from Old English storc; akin to Old High German storah stork and probably to Old English stearc stiff, now used by some 'skaters' to signify that which is done or exists in a superior way.

Date: before 12th century

transitive senses
1 : to copulate with : FUCK
2 : to defeat : BEAT

intransitive senses
1 : to perform in proper or superior style
"Man, i totally storked your girl"
"Dude, i storked that chump bad"
"Yeay, we're just storkin it at the skate park"
by dijjnn September 4, 2003
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stork as in wicked mad cool pc gangsta figure skaters.
stork it up. thoose storks are pretty cool. i wish i was a stork
by pcfsc November 23, 2004
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When you have anal sex with a woman and leave you cum filled condom in her ass without telling her.
"What did you do last night"

"I was at a party and i storked this drunk bitch"

"Ha...I've been dieing to do that lately, it must suck for them the next morning"
by The one and only CG August 16, 2008
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The act of cunnilingus on a woman who is giving birth or having a miscarriage. The fetus is usually consumed in the process.
I was eating out that pregnant chick from logistics when she unexpectedly went into labor forcing me to perform "The Stork" and swallow the baby whole. He was a boy, and he was delicious.
by Batmaaaaaan August 8, 2008
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some who says,acts, or writes something so retarded that they can not be described with just one word (it is a combonation of stupid and dork)
Kevin "babe what do you want to do today"
Diana "lets go put M&Ms on layaway"
Kevin "your such a STORK"
by Kevin_L March 1, 2007
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someone who says,acts, or writes something so retarded that they can not be described with just one word (it is a combonation of stupid and dork)
Boyfriend "babe what do you want to do today"
Girlfriend "lets go put M&Ms on layaway"
Boyfriend "your such a STORK"
by Kevin_L March 3, 2007
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