Therm,Stupid,Lame,Buford,Goofy.As Used By Davon Mangrum
Tyrone Over There A Sherman Because He Wouldn't Let Me Coppy His Work
by GloVonFromD773 August 25, 2017
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your everyday geeky kid with thick facial hair, a big nose and thick glasses, and usually has bad b.o.
Oh my god! Look at the new kid! Hes a total Shermanator!
by John January 7, 2005
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a low quality piece of fecal matter, of reasonable to heavy consistency. Typically extraordinarily large in size.
Feared for its chronic smell, it is usually a side product resulting from over indulging in alcoholic drinks.
"hey man, did you smell the sherman that joe left in the toilet this morning? It was a right monster".
by Joe Bailey Radiator Face December 8, 2008
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An undrunken beer or mixy left open or full.
Person 1: Dude who left a full beer cracked open

Person 2: I don't know man it's A Sherman
by YaBoiSkow July 5, 2017
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A name to call someone when you don't know or can't remember their name :)
Nae: Hey, Sherman
Mike: Do I know you?
by Blue dolphin pig February 15, 2019
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A short CC faggot who’s little brother is better than him at hockey. He is an asshole and got himself into lots of fights then got in trouble with his parents and started crying. He has no real friends and thinks he is very popular. DO NOT BE LIKE WILL SHERMAN
Look it’s the short fag will sherman
by Stinky poo hehehe October 1, 2019
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To turn one someone of the opposite sex gay, merely by dating them.
by jvoltz March 21, 2008
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