A tight nit group of people that have humongous foreheads and use the word Kurwa and Pedal way too much. They think that having a high vodka tolerance makes them respectable. Most of them drive crappy euro cars and ride the penis's of the ones that have the nice cars. They always need a ride, but they always bring a bottle with them at all times. They think their country is on top when they have the record for the fastest conquer ever by hitler.
Do u have ze smoke facken kurwa?
ehhhh yes pedal kurwa.
by jdmk20ar March 2, 2008
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person considered in the Polish Race or Polish lifestyle:vodka-hoes,soccer,fukin up russian and .......Alcohol.
PPLE wit da names SKI or Wicz at da end of their last names.....SKY r WANNABE's
by POLAK April 5, 2003
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Proper Noun
A derogatory term for a Pole or Polish person;
or, a dirty, pale, ugly person without much talent or likability about them.

"If i were a Polak, I'd fucking kill myself"
"Never eat at a Polak restaurant, they eat shit and baby spunk"
"I feel like a Polak today, how much did i have last night?"
by Correctcan'tdenyi'mright March 2, 2009
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Slang term for a Polish person. The only thing Poles are world-beaters at is the 'arrogance/acheivement ratio', as you can see on this page.
Anna Slobablobski left Poland to go to a country with a GDP per head ten times higher.
by Polak = idiot February 27, 2005
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A polak is sample a person from poland or of polish decent. Also it's geting to me that micks, spicks, polaks, and jiggaboos are useing this website talking about their supereority or saying other races should not use these words. Hell, I'm white but I will call a nigger a nigger to his face.
A Polak was suffering from constipation, so his doctor prescribed suppositiories. A week later the Pole complained to the doctor that they didn't produce the desired results." Have you been taking them regulary?" the doctor asked." What do you think I've been doing," the Polak said, "Shoving them up my ass?"
by dis1988 November 28, 2007
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Why do Polish People get pissed when you call them by the correct name in the Polish language.
That Polak sure is Polish
by Liberace July 25, 2003
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A describing word for chernobyl affected victims who brainwash themselves into thinking they are Slovakian, otherwise known as Merko's.

They glow with radioactivity and nuclear waste residue which is obvious by observing their dark skin colour.

These creatures live in a ghetto habitat where they mainly feed off domino's and polish sausages.
"DUUUUDE did u see that freakazoid monster??"

"yeh man he looked like some sort of polak huh ?"
by kooni August 2, 2007
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