n. terd
see also dooky

v. to lay a terd
Man, I just laid the biggest dook.

Dude, if you dont shut up, ill dook in your mouth.
by tony kroeger January 27, 2003
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Taking a hit of the hallucinogen LSD via the anus.
Dude, I got some gnarly acid this week and my girl Gina and I did the dook with it.
by sunnydooker May 7, 2008
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That university located in Durham, NC. Term is usually reserved as reference to the basketball team.
Dook just lost to unranked Syracuse.
by gatecrasher January 15, 2019
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Another name for a shit/turd/poop/ droppin the cosby kids off at the pool.usually used in slang.Shorter term for dookie.
Person 1 : "Hey man, gotta go blast a dookie'

Person 2 : "DOOK ON!"
by OTTOtheOTTO August 29, 2010
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Special type of hook used to suspend ducks and sings from in duckdows.
How many ducks can you suspend from that dook?

Firty Fwee.
by Cwips February 13, 2004
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To pull personal information from someone based purely on their alias. This information includes but is not limited to: their full name, dob, mothers name, fathers name, current address, and phone number.
I dooked that guy that was harassing my gf.
by DigiD February 26, 2010
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known for two things dook williams and poop
chris:i aint goin swimmin in dook williams pool.

cris: why man?

chris: cuz there is dook in dooks pool!
by Cmack56 June 4, 2006
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