I'm so discombobulated!
My brain is very discombobulated
These books are very discombobulated
by Sammi Grantham March 13, 2006
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To be utterly and thuroughly confused with no hope of regaining any intelligent cognitive comprehension after being smoked and burnt for 3 or more daze at a time.
Girl, I'll tell you what...huh? I forgot what I was talking about. I'm all kinds of discombobulated. Did that just come out my mouth?...smokey-smokedy-smoked I am, I am. Discombobulated sista!
by MsSissyLaLa March 15, 2010
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A state of being shocked and/or confused.
-What are you doing?
-I don't know!
-Stop, you don't know how to do anything?!
-Nice, you ruined it!
by sportsdude88 April 3, 2010
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totaly screwed up either physically or mentaly
mommy said i had issues but i knew i was just discombobulated
by Drew January 10, 2003
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To throw into a state of confussion.
Her example threw everyone into a state of discombobulation.
by Mary March 17, 2004
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