In Middle Tennessee, this usually refers to an exceptionally large cigar, either in gauge or length or both. Usually, the use of this word is not, however, an indicator of the quality of the cigar.
I drag donkey dicks like no other.
by jason May 17, 2005
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wow look at that extremely large donky dick hanging from the donky
by jurrt May 23, 2005
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A form of memeing used by the ancient Egyptians during painting of hieroglyphs. “All the way back to Egyptians who had pictures of them Donkey Dicking”
And here we see an ancient hieroglyph of an Egyptian Donkey Dicking class
by Mr. Slap Da Ho October 10, 2018
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(noun) A 24 oz. can of beer. In the same line of slang as "deucer" (22. oz) and "tall boy" (16 oz.) terms for beer sizes.
"I'm headed to the corner store to pick up a donkey dick, want me to grab you a deucer?"

"Nah man, I quit drinking after I found out that 9/11 was an inside job and we're all slaves to rich Jewish bankers."
by Ulvblod ov Fenrir September 21, 2008
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1) An individual, who secretly obtains a large component of himself, in which is kept in his bottoms.

2) A male specimen, in which manifests/harbors such goods, that women would announce him as, "severely endowed".

3) "Donkey Dick", may also be known, as a woman's best friend, preferably known as the most perfect guy on earth. Yes, perfection may not exist, but this one loving individual, would be known as perfectly imperfect, in many peoples eyes. Other than the obvious satisfaction, from looking into this individuals boxers, he also provides many other satisfactory traits, these may go as follows; fantastic best friend, cutest person known to man, etc. This very special person, may also be seen as a lifesaver, as he has helped to keep the weakest ones strong in their hour of need and for that, he shall be forever thanked.

4) Although this person has managed to obtain, so many qualities, he can also be the most infuriating person on the planet, his constant need for sexual desire, noted here ;).

5) As well as being infuriating, this individual, could also be referred to as influential, because they have manage to influence people into making right decisions in life, rather than making them go off on a tangent and taking the wrong pathways.

6) Finally, this person, could also be described as extremely intelligent, due to some of the things they discuss, when they may not realize it for themselves, and no matter what they think, there are so many people proud of them.
1) "Oh wow, that person over there, must manifest a Donkey Dick".
2) "Looks like I've only gone and found myself a Donkey Dick".
by bigbootyhoe96 October 20, 2014
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A donkey-dick is a very big uncircumcised schlong.
I"ve got 8", but a fellow cadet, Jason, has a donkey-dick!
by USAF Cadet August 9, 2021
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