A dry, breadlike food, of French origin, that is added to salads or eaten as a snack.
Americans consume more croutons in a year than the average French person ever will in a lifetime.
by AYB May 9, 2003
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a piece of dry snot that is visible to everyone except the owner. similar to a cornflake, but not as slim and streamlined
I just blew my nose, do I have any croutons? No dude, not even a cornflake.
by Leysie December 27, 2007
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crouton is someone who fucking annoys you or has the sort of face that resembles a peice of bread that floats at the top of your soup. croutons are usually found near you on a daily basis also ascoaciated with cutns croutopns are absolute cunts
fuck off you "crouton" kid go back and float in your soup
by kierzistheman February 23, 2010
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A crouton is a vile and agressive action. Meant as an insult or challenge, an attacker removes of of his victims incisors, seasons it, and replaces it in the mouth of his victim. This will usually frustrate the victim to a high degree.
While travelling to Florida, Dave met a punk on the airplane and was forced to crouton the poor guy.
by Bacon Steve September 22, 2006
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A person who endeavours to trade sexual activity in exchange for low quality takeaway food
"Oh look, he's taking her out for maccas again, she's such a crouton"
by DelicousGem June 7, 2015
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Piece of shit stuck in someones teeth after tossing salad.
Hey Slade ! You got a crouton stuck in your teeth from the salad tossing competition earlier!
by ACWAP July 15, 2018
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