When a person's neck is bent, the lines forming around the neck are known as 'crease.' If someone swipes there hand through a crease as if there hand was a credit card, the swiper takes full ownership of that person's soul.
Bean: It says 'crease' on the ceiling
Dubs: Wait really? No way *looks up*
Bean: haha! crease! *slides hand between neck crease*
Dubs: well I guess you own my soul now
by LeBean James December 8, 2022
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Slang term for vagina. Not normally used as an affectionate term and occasionaly used in rap lyrics.
All wack rappers can kiss my crease.
by Phearless October 29, 2005
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Crease n. Something that belongs to someone, generally a teenage male. A derivative of the crease which forms from sitting on the couch too much. The crease is always claimed by the same person, unless it becomes owned by someone else.
For use in the man-cave-
Austin: "Dude, get out of my crease!"
Griffin: "Dude, I got here first!"
Austin: "Didn't you here me? I said that's my CREASE."
Griffin: "Oh totally sorry man, won't happen again, I'll sit on the floor."

For use in life-
Griffin: "Bro, I kind of want that girl."
Austin: "Dude, that's my crease!"
Griffin: "Oh sorry man I didn't know you were tappin' that."

Griffin: "Dude, can I eat that?"
Austin: "Nah dude, that's my crease."
Griffin: "Damn, she was fine..."
by griffinyanny February 20, 2011
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A term denoting the area surrounding the groin. To crease is an involuntary reaction to a sick play/scene in a game or show. You likely have creased whether you are aware of it or not.
"Oh my crease. Oh my crease!" - Jake the Dog
"Oh my god that flip reset was crazy, I just creased."
"That Haikyu!! episode was such a crease-worthy episode."
"If you score that goal, I'm gonna crease all over the place."

"You missed an open goal dumbass, my crease is gone!"
"Wow as I'm watching you play, my crease is slowly opening up."
by GasDaddy6969/Gayhemicy January 30, 2021
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Shut down; Being owned, burned or insulted. See burnt.
"Did you see that guy get dumped?" "Yea. He just got creased!"
by Ryan360 May 19, 2007
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