Cool and funky way of saying 'yeah'. Taken from Chipmunk's song Chip Diddy Chip
'Chee i love music baby...'
by mat098 April 26, 2009
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Shortened form of the word "cheese."
See also; grave 'n chee
See also; cree chee
"Can I get a Denver Omelette with chee?"
"Does that come with chee?"

by OrbiTaL January 15, 2003
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when u want to say “chill out” but you are freaking out so it comes out as chee chee chee
“you are sure you didn’t talk to anyone last night?”
no girl I promise I just hung out w the guys”
well I was there and saw u talk to that Ellie chick so I’m leaving”
“aight aight chee chee chee ch chee”
by anjee2222 December 24, 2018
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It is Rez slang meaning that your surprised
“Hey I see your dad over there
by RezPerson49 April 21, 2019
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1. A term of endearment you say to someone to cheer them up or make them feel better.

2. A way of saying hello that is sweet and welcoming.
1. "Awe, Chee Chee Boo, it's going to be okay"

2. "Chee Chee Boo! How are you?"
by ChillyBoo February 5, 2010
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