una persona persona que no acepta el amor de otras dos, solo por que son hombres y por que piensan que alguna vez se van a casar con uno de ellos, ja.
"harry cojeme" "louis floop" "larry nunca fue real solo arruinaron una hermosa amistad" son de las frases mas comunes de las antis.
larry es real putas, y les duele por que saben que es verdad.
by cucutreameloido September 2, 2020
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A word used by incest and pedophilic shippers on Tumblr to defend the questionable things that they do.

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Traced Back by an infamous group called blmatsu which are known for many outrageous scandals.

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Ex: "todokaras incident"
"Antis are gross! Eeeeewww!"

"I'm your tumblr mom! Don't listen to those antis!"

"Ugh! Just let me ship what I want! I'm 12 and it's not doing anyharm you antis!!"
by A gal August 11, 2017
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Geez! You're being so anti!
by Alifonte October 22, 2003
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pronounced An-tee NOT an-ty

A word used in the Virgin Islands to call someone gay or a fag. Most commonly heard in the schools of St. Thomas.
John:I hate brokeback mountain
Dominique:Yea that dude is anti
by LEOGEO November 6, 2009
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These are the people who dont have anything good to do with their lives so they go on the internet to try to prove people wrong and say that a fandom is ruining their icon's lives.. When actually, they need to calm down, cause shade never made anyone less gay. hint hint- anti larries.
antis : OMG ur ruining Louis and Harry's lives!!
larrie: honey, let us believe what we wanna believe. Louis said it himself!
by larry loves tour buses October 28, 2023
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A Serbian slang for "whore", generally seen as one of the worst words you can refer to someone as.
Je to antis (she's a whore)
by Slovakianblood July 28, 2020
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A person who is actually more obsessed with the ship than the actual shippers.
Antis are so annoying, they don't let people believe what they want to believe. They mention the ship even if it's not a topic in the conversation. They are worse than us
by Peachesandlouisblue February 22, 2021
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