The state of being superior/and or far more proficient in anything you do. This includes education, speech, morality, thought process, architecture, etc. In very rare cases, a POC can show minor symptoms of WMS but usually they adapt to the surrounding culture of their friends/ relatives and the symptoms subside.
"Did you notice how much cleaner and safer that neighborhood was? They must all have White Man Syndrome."

"Shaniqua actually began doing very well in school and got a part time job to help support her family. Seems like she should be checked for WMS and removed as to not infect any of her failing black friends/relatives"

"Have you noticed all of the great inventions and beautiful architecture was created by men with WMS?"
by Bin Doogle March 11, 2023
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n. A personality characteristic found in most males that lead them to:
1. rush to the aid of any female they see who appears in any form of distress.
2. Become attracted to said damsel in distress.
3. Follow the dying code of chivalry and generally act like a nice guy.

Also called young man's disease.
"Nice guys finish last?" Tony asked. "So does that make White Knight Syndrome bad?"
by Andrew Radak October 6, 2005
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when a white man can't see past their privilege and it shows
"you know chad?" "yeah he suffers from white man syndrome, he's even a trump supporter"
by waliuigi December 18, 2019
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When people from the third world adopt everything western because they think that just because the white man got somethings right. than everything they wear, eat, do, is probably good for you.

When people from the third world copy everything they see on Hollywood Movies
Example 1:Chinese Mom to daughter: Go learn de englis. Daughter: why mom chinsese is the second spoken languange and I am an excellent student just got de accpetence in de Bejing university for de engineering.Chinese Mom: becuase wis out de englis you will never succeed in dis world. Daughter: Mom why are you acting like you have White Man Syndrome

Example 2: Arab Dad to daughter: Liyla where are you going and why are you dressed up all sluty I will not accept that.. Daughter: why are you always trying to control my life!.Dad : where are you going anyway?. Daughter: I am going out with ahmed .Dad: who the hell is ahmed?? Daughter : dont worry dad hes just my boyfreind Dad : WHAT! Daughter : dont worry dad He always uses a condom...Dad : Dafaq! my daughter has White Man Syndrome
by JOHN THE 2nd July 14, 2013
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When you waste your time on nothing but resenting of hating white people.
Douglas thinks all white people are evil and that there should have never ever been a single white person ever, he clearly has White Derangement Syndrome.
by PhoenixGamer34 December 24, 2021
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When a white man is young and he is attractive/cute/hot but ages to look like a ugly raisin.
“Omg, Derik used to be so cute when he was young”
“Now he’s got white man syndrome
by OatmealCereal25 April 25, 2023
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having a flat ass
guy 1: Gina has white girl syndrome.
guy 2: What's that?
guy 1: She has a flat ass.
by michael joseph jackson July 28, 2013
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