cardboard boxes worn on your feet in the wilderness, especially during wintertime, as a makeshift shoe/last resort.
brooklyn: oh man, my toes are so cold.

nicole: can’t relate, thanks to my trusty winter sandals.
by book69 April 11, 2018
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When you cum in somebody's butt, then shove your whole foot up inside to scoop it out.
Bro Jenny totally let me do a crusty sandal on her last night, it was great
by nicecranch January 20, 2020
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Derogartory term used to describe a person from the middle east. See Camel Jockey
by TheHose February 3, 2005
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when a man comes on his foot and his partner licks it off
slippery sandal: blow job of the toes
by soup of the day September 28, 2009
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The act of having another dude's wiener in between your big and index toes.
"Some dude just gave me a man sandal in the hot tub"
by c1c1c1 April 16, 2010
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You take a sandal, you cut a hole in it, you put a candle in it!
"Well, wine shoes didn't work out, but how about candle sandals??"
by America Lover 🇺🇸 November 13, 2018
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When your foot forms a suction cup with the sole of your sandals, and when you step down the air shoots out and it sounds like, well, a queef.
Trying to sneak around at 2am with my birkenstocks on; boy is that sandal queef horrific!
by warrior_69 March 9, 2023
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