The Stevie Wonder is a 5 step process.

1-Give a man a blowjob.

2-Let him ejaculate in your mouth.

3-When he's not expecting it, spit the ejaculate into his eyes, severely blinding and disorienting him.

4-Grab a blunt object and hit him in the mouth. Make sure you knock all his teeth out.

5-While the man is on his hands and knees feeling around for his teeth, defecate on him.

If done properly he will now look exactly like Stevie Wonder
My boyfriend was being a real jerk so I Stevie Wonder-ed him!
by ShamieD December 3, 2010
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reference to the blind musician meaning that the person in question is also blind/has poor vision
(after a car crash) who the fuck was driving, stevie wonder?
by vorque January 9, 2009
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The involuntary wobbling of the head that one exhibits when desperately trying to stay awake, eg a student in a friday afternoon lecture, or a lorry driver on the M6.
"The trial of the Millennium Dome Jewel Robbers was help up today after Judge Micheal Coombe was spotted having a severe attack of the Stevie Wonders during the defence council's summing up."
(Nicholas Witchell, BBC News; November 2003)
by Liam Casey February 3, 2007
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another way of saying you aren't blind.
I See Me With Her, No Stevie Wonder

-did you see that?

-no Stevie Wonder
by lilbitofsunshine January 21, 2010
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Getting head while playing the piano blindfolded.
"Dude, She gave me the Stevie wonder last night!"
"Really?! NO WAY!"
by plankmaster 5000 October 19, 2011
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This is when you cum in both of the girls eyes, causing her to squint and then grab her by the hair on both sides of her head and tug her back in forth in a swaying motion.
Dude last night I totally gave this chick a Stevie Wonder in the face, then I started to sing "I just called to say, I love you"
by Pdot33 February 6, 2009
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when you turn the lights off to have sex with a woman and poke around with your dick to find her...
did you stevie wonder that shit..
by roachjuice August 14, 2006
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