Taking a poop, while masturbating, and eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich.
Last night I got really bored and did a Bob Saget in the bathroom.
by Danny K May 4, 2006
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The act of having intercourse with a woman, then, post-climax, pushing her down a flight of stairs while videotaping, and finally sending the video of her descent (set to appropriately zany music) to “America's Funniest Home Videos”.
"Dude, my Bob Saget was actually aired on TV! I won $20,000!"

"It's a good thing I videotaped my Bob Saget; now they can only charge me with CONSPIRACY to murder!"
by The Rat Man January 18, 2009
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To use instead of fowl words "God Damnit" Say "Bob Saget" instead. Also taken from the famous Tourettes Guy shown on YouTube.
Person one: No...Im not single sorry.
Person two: Oh, Bob Saget!
by bobobobobobsagetyes October 28, 2007
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a name you say in place of something that went bad
if you fall on your face you would say "bob saget"
by oxymoronic boner March 9, 2009
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A verb describing a failed attempt at commentary by a friend while watching a humorous video.
*While watching a video of a fat woman slipping*
Friend: Nice trip, see you next fall!
You: Wow, you totally just Bob Sagetted that video!
by Ryan Ayyyyyy June 1, 2007
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an unusaul explitive, that can be substituted for shit or damn or really anything you want.
you spill your drink at the bar...."Bob Saget!!"
by Scott "Never Knows" September 24, 2007
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A Word Greatly enjoyed by people who has tourette's.
"Dude must have tourette's."
by MikeJ April 17, 2007
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