used as a question on online chat website, it asks the loaded "Straight/Gay/Bi"?
person 1 "hi"
person 2 "heyy"
person 1 "asl?"
person 2 "14/ m/ texas. hbu"
person 1 "14/ f/ Cali"

person 1 "s/b/g?"
person 2 "g"
person 1 "hmmm... I see....."
by cmsg December 24, 2010
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Sperm Build-up Theory: A girl with a really nice ass, starts dating some guy who is clearly tagging her, and her ass gets much larger, while everything else stays proportionate.
Jessica follows the S-B theory to a tee! She used to be smokin', but since she started dating Mark her ass has become huge! Must be sperm build-up!
by JMSMD September 24, 2006
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Double F S B
fuck fear
steal beer

The black scourge of Walgreens. An acronym for the type of thing which a select group of broke college students are forced to engage in. Can also be a product of suffocating boredom.
You: I'm pregnant and I have a midterm tomorrow and I'm scared.
Me: Shut up whore! Double F S B!
by jackon September 30, 2010
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-A word i made up-
Sexbox is an affectionet name anyone may call me , it can also be a sqaure box , designed persificly for each person with the word sexbox written on a side.
Sexbox;s have there own personalitys and may fall in love , you must look after them properly and treat them carefully.
1 "hey there she is ..HEY SEXBOX WERE OVER HERE"
2 "Look at my sexbox , its not like yours mine looks like a house and yours is just a box and look at how a wrote sexbox on i think the sexbox's are in love"
3 "where do you live"says girl "in my sexbox"says guy
he shuffles "im not a tramp/hobo/bum i like living in a box"
by Summer-sky / Naomi July 17, 2006
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"Submissive and Breedable".

Can be used as an adjective for a very slutty girl.
Can also be used for very feminine and girly boys.
Exemple 1: "Dude, this girl looks very fine..." "Yeh I know, I bet she is S&B, if you know what I mean~"
Exemple 2: "Dude, this boy looks very fine with that plump ass of his..." "Yeh, I bet he is S&B as fuck, would love to get his sissy ass on my crotch~..."
by SomeHornyDude November 1, 2021
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Powers that shouldn't be.
"Man these greedy oligarchs are trying to take over the planet. I hate the banksters!"

"Oh, you mean the PT(s)B?"
by Samredd August 30, 2022
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