When you are high (off weed) to the point that you literally keep "zoning" out. If this occurs while you are around other people, usually you will not participate in the conversation and instead sit and listen. Or not listen at all and just think. It can be very peaceful, but it can also make people wonder if you are ok and make you seem awkward.
dude i was so zoned last night that i just sat and stared for a good 20 minutes
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In basketball, when you have the hot hand and the hoop is as big as an ocean.
She was in a zone, she took over the game.
by janeyh February 4, 2005
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The name used by a rather well known flash artist who specializes in hentai animations. He allegedly visits 4chan's /co/ board, and takes their requests. He also appears to be against, or at least loathes, the Furry fandom, yet he was commissioned to do a furry themed flash, not to mention porn of Roger Rabbit and Krystal.

He also doesn't want to reveal his sexual identity, just to build speculation.
Patrick: "I stayed up till three at the morning, and I woke up at six."
Kevin: "Why, cause you were watching Zone's newest flash?"
Patrick: "Not only that..."
by GimmeAName April 19, 2011
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Zone being short for Ozone, which is a nickname for an ounce that originated in the late 70's or early 80's in regards to drugs or more specifically cocaine.
I went down to West Ninth to score a zone for me and my girls before we head out.
by Docnasty July 28, 2006
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To loose mental conciousness, though the body is still active. To loose awarness, espically while someone is speaking. To pretty much loose your track of mind, and look like a drooling idiot in the middle of a conversation.
Freind: Dude! hey dude, I'm talking to you!
You: Oh, wait what? I'm sorry, I completely zoned.
Freind: God, you got this really blanked out look on your face...
You: Man, I was totally out of it, wasn't I?
Friend: Yeah, pretty much.
You: Sorry, man. I'll try not to zone anymore
by Total War January 17, 2009
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To be in a state of deep concentration, perplexed, unconscious
James was zoned out for hours while playing illusions of the mind
by Fisher October 16, 2003
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