Drug Enforcement Agencey, a branch of law enforcement, (See also PIGS)
oh shit nigga, its the dea, grab the ak and the kilo, we goin out like kamakiazes
by Deezy January 29, 2003
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She's a big pillock, she's a nonce. Never trust her around your kids, the filthy nonce.
"Omg stop being such a bloody Dea"
by Bob Brown 321 July 11, 2020
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that one 15 yr old indian aunty that simps for a 53 yr old korean perv. she is very cool tho. she likes doggo. doggo likes dea.
dea is not a person its an emotion😌
by oink 43 April 14, 2022
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exclamatory phrase made by Gary derived directly from its english language equivalent 'In there!' used when exclaiming an achievement of some sort.
"Auright! Date on saturday! In dea!"
by Dr. Ren_Ayanami, Ph.D January 27, 2005
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The Drug Enforcement Agency. A law enforcement agency designed to shut down and confiscate any instance of drug abuse which is deemed illegal by the federal government.

There is much widespread hate against them, mostly people who smoke marijuana and believe that the government is being "unfair" to people doing illegal things.

There is much friction between the state of California and the DEA, as California says that marijuana is legal for "medicinal purposes"(despite the fact that the grand majority of people who smoke it are doing so for reasons other than medicine), yet the federal government has ruled that marijuana is illegal.

Also, things to note: DEA agents are not "pigs", "vermin", "fucknuggets", "demons", etc. They are people who are trying to do their job so that they can support themselves and their families.
It's unwise to smoke marijuana in public, as the DEA may see you.
by Privyet August 24, 2009
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mother of siddhanth. she simps for jyp the coolest 5'0 grill. looks like a mendak🐸.
dea is not a person its an emotion.😌
by oink 43 April 14, 2022
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