A song that was created by the fake cartoon band Your Favorite Martian. Which had Puff-Puff Humbert, the main singer. Voiced by Ray William Johnson. And Benetar, The guitarist, pianist, AND singer. Who was voiced by Ray William Johnson in YFMTS and Jesse Cale in the songs.
I got that nerd rage
Nerd rage
I got that nerd rage
Nerd rage
Nerd-nerd rage
Nerd-nerd-nerd nerd rage
Nerd-nerd-nerd nerd rage
Nerd-nerd-nerd nerd rage
Nerd-nerd rage
They say I nerd rage, I say they don't understand
Keep talkin' trash, bitch
I'ma have to ban you from my chat room
And I can hardly think
But I'ma have to slap Jar Jar Binks
And slam George Lucas' head in a car door
For far more than just ruining Star Wars
Stop re-mastering, you're making it worse
And for the love of god, Greedo didn't shoot first
And fuck Comic Sans and fuck low bandwidth
And never say Pluto ain't a planet, goddamnit
I'm readin' what you're saying on the message boards
Yes, I have too had sex before!
by Radin Happier October 29, 2022
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When a person playing a video game gets extremely happy by either winning or getting a kill, that they yell out obscenities or a person who gets extremely angry and starts yelling after losing.
PicUpUrFace: (gets a kill) Get fucking body!

Vixen: Hey how about you turn down the nerd rage.

by El BiGGo April 12, 2009
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i was going to edit the wiki for MEMS to say something like LOLZ MEMS IZ GAY AMIRITE?! but itll display my IP and i dont want to get nerd raged by the wiki nazis
by Manish K November 30, 2006
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A way to tell how mad someone is by the length of their urban dictionary definitions the longer the definition the more pissed off the person is on the nerd rage meter. Multiple paragraphs = off the scale.
You can tell how mad he is with this trusty nerd rage meter i just invented.
by four8three G October 29, 2010
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To go on a long binge of video game playing; playing video games for more than 6 hours straight.
"Is Greg coming to the party?"
"No, he's on a nerd rage."

"You wanna get laid tonight?"
"Nah, I'm gunna nerd rage to level 60."
by th3m4n August 10, 2007
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A person with Emo Rage Syndrome that plays online games and takes them way to seriously.
Comstar from the Eve-Online corporation D.C.B is a huge Emo Raging Nerd who cannot control his own life and gets upset when he cannot control his online life either.
by kalphitte December 27, 2008
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Secondary definition, applies to usage during or in the result of programming/ writing computer programs.

When one programmer finds, uses, or sees code written by another programmer that is either:
1. Completely wrong
2. Done in a ridiculous way
3. Extremely inefficient
4. Looks like something written by a third grader in 1695
Mark was nerd raging over the code that Steve wrote because there is no way it would ever work.
by ComputerJon August 15, 2016
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