A stupid made -up word by the government for people who`s will they don`t recognize, the reason that porn and other such things have retarded things called age restrictions on them. If such restrictions were implemented based on maturity, knowledge, and ability instead of age (with the exception of smoking, vaping, and drinking), this world would be a much greater place.
Zack: Yo, can I buy this condom?
Cashier: Sorry, you can`t buy this, you`re a minor.
Zack: So the fuck what? That doesn`t matter, I can be responsible!
Cashier: Well, I wish I could let you, but if I did, I`d be jailed for life.
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Either a musical chord, or an underage person.
I got to finger a minor last night... it was fun and the whole crowd cheered.
by Oreva1 August 9, 2020
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The United States newest derogatory word. Next to faggot (and previously nigger) minor is the United States most popular way to discriminate against people. When gays eventually get full rights and the word faggot becomes unused, minor will be the only derogatory word, but, more then likely, the United States will find someone new to discriminate against. Possibly Jews?
The Land of the FREE*

19??-NOW | Freedom applies to those over 18, no minors
19??-NOW | Freedom applies to straights, no faggots
1700-1863 | freedom applies to whites, no niggers
by God Hates Fags? No. Minors. November 21, 2008
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if someone messes with ya and there nothing..there minor...nothing to worry about
" he sed he was guna fcuk me up but hes minor nuttin 2 screw ova!"
by sarah February 22, 2005
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not a big deal, something you shouldn't worry about; commonly used by surfers
-sorry i fucked your sister bro
*it's minors dude
by surferdude July 25, 2004
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A person that is under the age of 18.....that should ACT under the age of 18 and NOT say they are 25...and DRINK...unless they are looking to be RAPED !!!
Geez...did u hear about that kid on Myspace.com that was a minor, but said she was 25 and got raped by some huge ass old pedophile mutha fukka?
Yea---I hear she's pregnant now and has Aids. Real Horror Show
by Andi March 8, 2005
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Someone with the mental age of under 12
"That Rhys Gould is such a minor"
by massiveshlong69 December 8, 2015
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