The pop / soda of your choice after a long intense makeout session. Usually is different from your normal pop / soda choice. And is always to be cold.
I usually drink pepsi, however after a long makeout session with my smokin' hot girlfriend my makeout drink of choice is an ice cold root-beer.
by Bozzzy February 10, 2009
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a girl that makes out with numerous guys, sober or intoxicated, but has no intentions of making a relationship out of it. she does this for pure pleasure and the enjoyment of the moment.
guy: "so, do you want to maybe catch a movie with me later this week?"

girl: "i don't know..."

guy: "but, we totally hit it off at that party last night! i thought you were into me?"

girl: "don't take it personally, but i'm just a makeout whore."
by girl7 November 9, 2006
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A person who can't makeout properly if their lives depended on it. Usually starts with an ugly girl you got with because your friends pressured you, then she starts making out with you like she's trying to lick icecream off the bottom of a bowl. Too much tongue, slow, and creepy.
Dude, i hate you. That girl pulled a zombie makeout on me. She stuck her tongue down my throat like she was trying to deep throat me!
by alexmawdsley December 27, 2010
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When two people make out for a competition. Usually, girls go to one wing of the stage and boys go to the other. The girls line up in no particular order and the boys do too. When the bell rings, the first person in each line has to go onstage and make out for ten minutes. Sometimes total strangers have to make out. The best makeout-ers get a prize.
Harrison had always liked Charlotte. She was just so pretty. When he heard that Charlotte was going to join the makeout competition for Year 8 at his school, he decided to join too. He prayed each night that he would kiss Charlotte at the makeout competition.

When he arrived that Tuesday, there were many people. In the crowd he saw Janice. He had hated Janice for as long as he liked Charlotte. He prayed that it wouldn't be Janice.

In the waiting room, he waited in line. The bell rang. After ten minutes, the bell rang again. In the fourth pair, Harrison could see from the TV that it was Charlotte on stage, kissing Anthony. This made Harrison immediately sad. When he went out, he stopped in his tracks. It was Janice! Both of them groaned as they slowly approached.

Reluctantly, their lips touched. They started kissing, slow and dry, until Harrison decided to put his tongue in Janice's mouth. He shoved it in and they started heavily making out. Their tongues touched, licked, wrestled. Harrison felt some saliva enter his mouth. He decided to mix it up with his saliva and let it drool back into Janice's. Harrison, having hated her all the time, decided to make use of those ten minutes. He held Janice's head close to him and started licking her oral features. Janice did the same back to Harrison. Harrison and Janice stood there with tongues active and with each other's drool flowing down their chins. The bell finally rang. When they parted, a long spit bridge hung between them.
by Babies porn August 23, 2013
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someone who tags along with a couple so that the couple can makeout with their parents thinking it is a group activity.
She was Jamie and Rachael's makeout bitch.
by Anne E June 14, 2006
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Where A Guy And A Girl Start Making Out To Avoid Being Caught Plotting
Susan: "Oh Crap! Someone is coming"
Steve: quick Lets Fakeout Makeout.
by Justin Pichette August 17, 2005
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When you go on a date with someone who seems to have spent a lot of money or time planning it and things don't go great but you "courtesy makeout" with them anyway.
"John spent $400 on front row tickets to Bruno Mars but was a total loser. Jane had to courtesy makeout with him anyway as a thank you."
by DezzyFox January 27, 2013
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