Wow. If u know and Isabel. Or even be lucky enough to be her friend, family, or even best friend or boyfriend. Shes the most beautiful, talented girl ever and is always good at what she loves doing. Isabel’s are good at gymnastics and r very flexible girls. She is physically attractive with her stunning curves and her beautiful bright eyes & gorgeous smile completes her amazing face. If u have an Isabel known as izzy for short, you should always keep her and respect her as you will be very lucky to have a girl like her as a boyfriend. All her guy friends will wish to be in her boyfriends place. An Isabel will put herself down a lot but just make her confident as inside and outside she is stunning! She thinks she doesn’t like her face or body but trust me she has the best face and body she’s just got to believe in herself. She is smart, talented, pretty and such a kind and wonderful girl. She may seem like an inocent girl but seriously, don’t mess with her. If you have an Isabel as a best friend, boyfriend, friend, sister, daughter, then think to yourself right now. You are lucky to have her. She is the kindest thing in the entire world. But don’t take this kindness for weakness as it as an amazing strength for her. She is the funniest girl ever and will make you laugh until you can’t breathe. If you have an Isabel then love her. Don’t take her for granted. Praise her. Tell her she is beautiful. Cherish every second with her. You will never ever ever find a girl like her boys.
Person A:Do you know an Isabel?
Person B: of course. She’s my best friend

Person A: wow. She must be wonderful.
by jazzieclinton445 November 7, 2018
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Isabell is a name for very smart, and sweet girls, Isabells tend to be very outgoing and good friends as well as good girlfriends, and are very cuddly but moody and sometimes jealous.
Isabell has been doing well today

Isabell is beautiful and loving

Isabell helped me with the big 8th grade test today
by Princess bubblegum May 3, 2016
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A girl who as beautiful as Aphrodite. She is known for her shyness and intelligence. She is always optimistic about things. Unlike most girls, she hates spreading or even starting gossip or rumors. Everyone loves her because she is sweet and kind. Her parents believe that she brings joy to everyone's lives.
Kathy: Did you hear about the new student here?
Danielle: No, I haven't. What's her name?
Kathy: Her name is Isabel.
Kathy: Let's go talk to her!
***Danielle and Kathy walk over to Isabel***
Danielle: Hi Isabel, we heard that you were the new student here.
Isabel: Yes, I am. What are your names?
Kathy: I'm Kathy and this is Danielle.

Isabel: Oh, nice to meet you both.

Danielle: Let's tell each other what we're like, that way, we can get to know each other better! My full name is Danielle Salamanca Martin. I'm fourteen years old and I have no siblings. I like to play soccer and hang out with my friends at the mall. I don't like to spread gossip.

Isabel: I guess that I'll go next. My name is Isabel Olivia Desso. I'm turning fourteen soon. I have two siblings: Ethan and Paula . I like to play lacrosse. Like Danielle, I don't like to spread gossip or rumors because it could hurt others.
Kathy: My name is Kathy Morgana Haag. I'm fourteen and I have no siblings. I don't like to spread rumors. I play tennis at the new recreation center downtown.

Isabel: We all have one thing in common though, that is that we don't like to spread rumors.
Kathy: That is true.

***Bell rings, signaling that it's lunch break***
Kathy and Danielle: Ooh! It's lunchtime!
Isabel: Do you mind if I join you two for lunch?
Danielle: Of course we don't mind!

Isabel: I would love to be both of your friends. I have a strong feeling that we're going to become great friends.
by Queen_of_writing7894 March 9, 2014
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A really awesome girl who has a great personality. She is pretty and is a great friend. What she lacks for in trumpet skills, she makes up for in kindness. She can get mad at times (especially when you beat her at Portal 2), but she will forgive you once you make her a pie (Make her anything except Key Lime pie). Isabell is the type of girl who loves jackets and will probably steal yours if you aren't wearing it. All in all, Isabell is a great friend, and will always be there for you, even when everyone else kicks you to the dirt.
Person one: Hey, do you know Isabell?
Person two: Yeah, she is super nice.
by Pennsin July 10, 2018
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A lovely girl who is very beautiful and pretty. She may not know it so you might want to convince her. She is a very good friend and she will make an excellent girlfriend. She is very trust worthy and you can talk to her about anything. "Belle" a nick name for her in French means beautiful. Isabelle is a very lovable girl and she makes a very amazing girlfriend. She has amazing abilities which include making her boyfriend very happy. She is also a very strange child how ever that is what makes her great and lovable. You can also be yourself around her which is another great and awesome thing about her. There is so much more to add but it is undesirable.
by michael2333333 December 3, 2010
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Usually a shy one who tends to listen and keeps it to herself. She has really pretty eyes and a smile that never seems to falter, usually Hispanic or Latino. A cool gal to hang out with, when you get to know her she bubbly and always cheerful. She has a contagious laugh and hates drama. Don't mess with an Isabel cause she will surely kick your ass, and has an ass too.
Damn she's hot, I mean look at the ASS. She looks like an Isabel.
by Leedle_leedle_lee March 21, 2016
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the most lovely/trustworthy bestiest friend a person can have and people might not know it but they shall cherish as much too life with her as much as possible.she's very powerful - so don't fuck with her.she absolutely loves this guy and he loves her with his everything as well.she's everyone's reason to smile and there shall not be a single frown upon her's if i am still alive with her.we go through up and downs like a roller coaster but everything always seem to be aight.shes really pretty , inside and need to wear makeup because this is day she will the most well-known fashion manager ; owning her own fashion line,beauty products etc.. if you have an isabel at your school,don't be afraid to be friends with her because shes not even close to being anti-social.she's great at dancing and is the sexiest beast alive.she'll be always here - right by your side whenever you do or don't need her.
-having conversation till the guy interupts randomly-
Guy One:Is she single?
Me:ahaha,yup :)
Guy:should i ask her?
Me:ask her what?
Guy:ask her out -derp face-
Me:well if you don't screw her up - cuz if you do i'll slap the shitload outta you boy.
Guy: o_o
Me:so love her with all your heart and don't leave her alone,mkay?

no one messes with my friends.espesially isabel.
by SMILEFOMEYO October 10, 2011
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