A code word for going down on a girl. Because where do you go shopping? DOWNTOWNNNN!
"Man, I went shopping with Karen last night, and boy, was it fun!"
by eas304 May 13, 2010
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An image that has been altered with Adobe® Photoshop® software, usually for humorous effect.

There exists certain photoshop-isms, that is to say, recurring trends such as Admiral Ackbar pointing out traps or the infamous zerg rush.

Fark.com, SomethingAwful.com and Worth1000.com have excellent examples of shopped images.
LOL! I shopped a picture of George Bush and Osama Bin Laden to make it look like they're kissing! LOL!!!!11
by Suvorov August 2, 2004
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verb. Slang for Photoshopping. To produce a forged image that appears to be a real photograph by using Photoshop or similar image-editing software. Typically used to refer to the creation of a "celebrity fake", where a celebrity's picture is modified to appear naked and/or engaging in sexual/embarrasing behavior.
"Did you see that picture of Paris Hilton eating a banana? Somebody should shop that!"

"Sarah Palin got shopped - they put her head on a rifle-shooting bikini babe."
by PsyPhi May 12, 2010
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To open up a ghetto style drug store on the corner of the block to satisfy the crack and coke heads and make your pockets fat!
"yo its 5 in the morning time to get showered and hit the block and open up shop"
by LilGuay January 10, 2006
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To resell the products of a legitimately obtained prescription medication
Yeah, he got some 5/500 percs after he got his wisdom teeth out but he never needed them so he's shopping them.
by ThomasTankengin June 11, 2009
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Black and white patrol car. Cops carry all their gear in the cars so they're one stop shops
The shop rolled around the corner and stopped in front of Turnbull's Market. The two unis climbed out, hands on their batons. There was trouble in the air.
by pabrown May 1, 2008
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