A person acting in a stupid manner.
"What a goof."
by x January 22, 2003
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acronym used as insult or challenge to defend one's honor, especially in the correctional system. Get Out Or Fight. Used derogatory against, pedophiles, skinners, rapists, rats, police, guards & those of questionable character or reputation
Hey GOOF, I think you need to check off the unit, we don't do time with skinners!
by Sling Slanger November 21, 2014
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The act of being very high- usually on marijuana.
"Hey- what do you think of this shit?"
"Man- I'm absolutely goofed."
by Sasquatch July 1, 2003
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The act of disrespecting someone to an extremely insulting level.
Hey jerk are you goofing me

That guy stole my car and my money.
I just got goofed
by CarwynIestyn November 12, 2018
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When Goofy, from famous cartoon Mickey Mouse, has sex with you while you are sleeping.
"GAWRSH, I just Goofed this girl and she never woke up! Goofy Gang"
by Goofy Lover April 16, 2019
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Goof is a street definition, for an individul that cannot be trusted, and his/her word means nothing. A Goof lacks solidarity, integrity, loyality and honour. A goof at any given time will cut your throat and sell you out to serve himself.
That Mark guy is a goof and can't be trusted. Mark is a rat fink goof, for he told the cops that I was involved in a crime.
by Hardcoreandcool December 24, 2005
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When you are too fucked up to know what you are doing.

Can pertain to being drunk or high but is most commonly used when someone is on edibles.
Lieyah was so goofed last night that she had to remember to breathe in and breathe out.
by Jballa February 24, 2014
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