a word used to describe a dirty cunt after they have surpassed assbag, shithead, and cunt cookie, but has not yet reached the level of asshole that you just want to tie them up with an extention cord and leave them to cry. It's basically the ass grabbing douchebag that we all hate but don't care enough to do anything more than crack a smart ass remark.
Wow, my teacher is a cunt-faced bitch.
by bpakr August 30, 2006
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a bitch who sqwaks and runs her mouth at tha drop of a dime... a bitch who has the mind frame of a bird.
this buzzard face bitch... always sqwakin and runnin off at tha mouf.
by unknowngal June 22, 2006
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a stuck up preppy guy or girl that wears "The North Face" clothing
north-face bitch: the girls with the fake tans with the north face pullovers on in the mall
by Reli December 20, 2010
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Definition: someone who is way too dramatic and cold hearted and does not care who they hurt and tells you one thing but does another. Bitch
example: Aryanna is a two faced lying person and is cold hearted and does not take other peoples well being into consideration.
omg ale did you see that two faced bitch, reminded me of aryanna
by nodramazone February 19, 2016
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A male without a beard. A clean shaven bitch boy; a smooth faced pescatarian altar boy; a boy-scout.
John looks like a smooth faced bitch ever since he shaved his beard.
by mike litoris777 August 25, 2017
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A saying commonly used as a predecessor to ejaculating on a prostitute's facial region.
Gentleman 1- "I was fornicating with a lady of the night last fortnight and right before releasing my semen, I yelled, "In your face bitch!""

Gentleman 2- "Jolly good show!"
by Cr8ch McVanderluv April 3, 2014
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Obese whale with no friends. So they go through other people's conversations while they're sleeping
Wow she really is a stupid cunt faced bitch
by Amberginni December 21, 2016
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