Alt F4 is the prank those 9 year-old's follow.

9 year-old playing Fortnite: Hey, do you know a hack to get a Victory Royale and everyone instantly dies
Pro: Yes I do, hold Alt and F4 at the same time and then let go.
9 year-old: (Gets off game, raging, and destroying his keyboard)
Press Alt F4
by ADEEPOCEAN May 22, 2020
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When you simply don't want to have online classes
Teacher: How do I mute you guys
Student: Press Alt+F4

Student: Becomes Host
by Real Baguette May 19, 2020
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A key combination / panic spell that you must use quickly when you're about to lose or die in a video game (on PC) to escape your inevitable demise. Some MMOs however implement penalties for using this to escape doom however as it is considered cheating.
A: "Yo I was playing Roblox Jailbreak and this cop was about to arrest me so I've alt f4 out."

B: "What, I tried that on League of Legends and I was suspended from playing any servers."

A: "Oh Shi-"
by Kit Rat January 27, 2019
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It makes you win.
Lol dude. I was in the middle of this game on the computer and I was so close to winning 1million dollars.!
Than I pressed Alt F4 and i totally won...
by I are teh hax March 6, 2009
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NOT a way to get extra armour in World of Warcraft.
Uberpwnage124: Hey, press alt-f4 to get more amour ololz!

Assraeper01010l0l0lzzzz: k!!!

Assraeper01010l0l0lzzzz has logged off.

Uberpwnage124: Haha UBER LEWS0R ololololol!
by Ekig April 5, 2010
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A statement notifying people in certain multiplayer PC games (Most notably in Team Fortress 2's Mann V. Machine game mode) to ready up for purposes of a match starting. So named because the Function-4 (F4) key starts (or reduces time of) a countdown timer for an MvM wave. Usually used for the following reasons...

1. A teammate notices a sufficiently prepared teammate who has yet to press f4 and notifies them as such.

2. An impatient scrubby try-hard 20-something who can't wait 2 1/2 minutes for a wave to start shouts it into the microphone.

3. A N00B 10-14 year-old who thinks s/he's helping when almost everyone knows about it. (often shouting into the mic in a nasally pre-teen voice.

Inversions usually occur in the following situations...

1. An engineer tells his/her team to stop the countdown so s/he can prepare sufficiently. (A competent MvM engineer can get all 4 (or 5) of his buildings ready in about 30 seconds. (usually about 50 remain after 5/6 readies))

2. A teammate needs time to figure out upgrades. (Upgrade priorities are often common sense (metal and building health upgrades for engie, UberCharge upgrades for medic, resistances and speed for scout, afterburn effectiveness for pyro, etc. with slight variance for map and loadout.)
The Engineer on our team had all of his buildings up and in tactical locations, so I told him to press f4.
I was very tempted to mute the annoying noob for spamming press f4 in his whiny pre-teen voice.
by GamingFanatic June 21, 2014
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kweed stands for "kpop" + "weed" due to its highly addictive content
kweed f4 is a cult (group chat) consisting of 4 kweed dealers who are high 24/7
their representative symbol is "ዊ"
they recently realized that they have no friends
a: no matter what group chat we join
a: it's always the four of us talking
b: we have no friends
b: kweed f4
c: why
c: xswl
d: *picture of jyp crying*

5 seconds later:

d: siwhdjkehdjkehjkdhjkewkjdnekndk
d: *video of park jimin*
a: sjkwkd
b: hdekhdjkehd
c: g2edgh2ebdj

b: *video of kim jisoo*
b: i'm hiiigh
a: so that's why we don't have friends
d: *picture of jyp crying and laughing*
c: why
c: xswlll
by superiorlesbian August 19, 2020
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