A computer brand advertised by a stoner that, when purchased, the owner somehow thinks he/she has bragging rights because their PC is "so fast" and "rips around XP like I rip around your mom", when in fact they own a shitty beige-box with no style or speed.
Even though my freind spent $6,000 on a VoodooPC with a custom paint job and a Coolermaster case, my Dell still screams and plays Counter-Strike with 2xAA and 2x Anisotropic Filtering.
by ArcticFox November 13, 2003
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A computer sold mostly off the internet, via newspaper ads and TV ads. It comes pre loaded with all kinds of crap software that is useless. After all that is uninstalled it becomes a pretty decent computer for the cheap price. A fresh XP install is recommended.
Dude, you're getting a Dell! Hold on lemmie grab some weed.
by 1069 August 1, 2005
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In Virginia it means....
Shut up or shut the fuck up.
"Haha look at your face"
"Dell bitch"
by Thiss girlll November 26, 2008
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1. Adj. Describes something of very low quality that fails frequently.

2. Adj. Describes someone or something that is very unreliable.
1. "That old beater car you bought is dellerific."

2. "Late again, your such a dell!"
by Spingy May 28, 2006
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to lose a fight, this orginated from london in 2006 and has bcome popular everywhere
someone got delled outside my school today
by Leat February 22, 2006
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hiring ppl from india with fake names as john jon bill etc
damn burger king is a dell with its damn mexicans
by jason February 12, 2005
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