When you first meet her she may appear reserved or softspoken, don’t judge her too quickly! she is actually being incredibly observant & sensitive to what other people are thinking&feeling. She craves harmony & peace, and emphasizes strongly with suffering. She picks up on subtlety & subtext, & knows when her friends & followers are struggling & when they stand passionately behind her. Never underestimate her, she is the Khaleesi of her era. She has the greatest degree of compassion&passion a human in this world can give. Her trust is not to be tested, it is one of a kind. Given her trust she becomes the shining true spirit of a lion. She is future driven, always keeping in mind how to move forward. She isn't going to change the world before changing herself. She is fiercely loyal to her own system of values & will not follow others down a path that does not feel authentic to her. When she senses that her values are not being respected, or when her intuition tells her that someone's intentions are not pure, she'll withdraw from their presence. When you are with her, there is no other place you'd rather be, when you not with her, it's the only place you want to be.
Dutch: Have you talked with Dee yet?
Me:No.... Still a bit shy....
Dutch: It's ok to be shy, it gives us a chance to be courageous!
Me:Who told you that?
Dutch: Dee.
Me: hahahah such a Dee thing to do :D
by Stringplay July 29, 2014
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A young cool nigga who tryna grind for money and be a gentlemen when he get older he funn don’t mess with him or he KARATE KICK U for real he can sometimes be”ignorant “but he chill and tryna be a football playa
by Deelock15 March 19, 2019
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One of the two bitches of the dynamic Foutch/Dee-Dee Duo. Dee-Dee is considered the "male" of this all-girl couple.

Dee-Dee can be recognized by her all-black outfits and her immaculately done nails.

Dee-Dee, although one smokin' piece of ass, has a nasty attitude. She cannot seem to get laid by a dude even though she sets her sites REALLY low. Even the fugliest of dudes won't help her out.

She has been known to throw someone to the curb just because he had a bad "O-Face."

Another factor that doesn't help her situation is that she is attached to the hips of her two kids. The oldest is a mutant 10 year-old Amazon girl who is taller than her.

She can also be seen using the patented "Foutchie" move. This includes waving her index finger in the air while pursing her lips and shaking her head. The sound she makes during her move is a sort-of a negative "mm-mm" sound.

Dee-Dee has grown a permanent brow line from using this move much too often.

Dee-Dee is also known as "Meathooks," "Hacksaw" and "Sklut."
Dee Dee made me pissed off when she said she didn't like my "O-Face."
by GMoneyGrill March 4, 2008
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Describes a person that's bubbly, outgoing, funny and smart. Plays games with the mind. Extemely beautiful, gorgeous, hot. Manipulative at times. Independent. Get in "Dee's" way and she will KNOCK you out and is not afraid to stick up for herself and STOMP you out. Awesome in bed and is extremely charming. Everyone wants to resemble her. A person that has many admirers but is picky. Hard to tie down.
"Damn i want her so bad but she's such a Dee"
"She probably has a bf i bet you she's a Dee"
"She's a Dee in a dozen"
by Spotlightplaya February 4, 2010
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A young nigga who came from nothing and on a grind to get millions
Say Dee wat the move today use by @sleazydachild
by 2soliddee_ September 19, 2018
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A smooth playa who keeps it real
It's time for you to stop getting played. It's time to Dee-Up.
by D$ December 31, 2005
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Sexy, attractive female. That all the guys like. And loves Richard
Dee is so0o0o fine.
by Shimboo December 7, 2010
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