to unnecessarily crank, crab, be angry or otherwise upset

pook, pooking, pooked
pooked out
after the wedgie, he was pretty pooked out.
by kendall October 29, 2004
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noun -- A word used to describe your buddies girlfriend. Especially if your friend is wipped.
Hey, did you seen John at the bar last night?

Nope, he was with his pook.

Did you pook buy you those pants?
by david December 13, 2004
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Shit, caca,lollop, poopy plops.
Captain Cook did a pook
Behind the kitchen door.
The cat came up and licked it up
And said "I want some more".
by Pete Fowler November 27, 2005
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poo; poop; crap; shit;
dumb; ugly; stupid; silly
That restaurant serves pook!
Your new haircut is pook!
You smell like pook!
I think you trod in pook!
by TJ February 24, 2004
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Sexual relations. Super hot acrobatic lovin'. "Pooky" has the same meaning.
I heard you got your pook on last night.
If we had pooked I would probably have been forced to drown myself out of disgust.
by Hannah S. June 29, 2005
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small, usually conical depression in an otherwise smooth surface. May also rise up from surface. Minor dent.
"It's just a small pook," responded the boy who just banged your car when opening his door.
by David Bruner March 4, 2005
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Dude, where'd our necromancer go? Why isn't he responding?

He must be pook
by NiwaDai December 15, 2005
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