national attack someone named carley day!!
today is a day to attack a person named carley. attack her with rocks and sticks and kick her until she’s dead.
me: *attacks carley*
carley: why are you attacking me?
me: because it’s november 18th duh
carley: oh crap
by november 18th November 18, 2020
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Boys wear girls sweatshirts and girls wear boys schruies
Why are you wearing a girls sweatshirt.

Because it’s November 18th
by gabi.johnson.33 November 8, 2019
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National slap a girls ass day, no matter what time or when during the day, you walk right up to her and smack her ass especially guys who have crushes!
Man I walked right up to her today and smacked her ass.

Why man?

It’s November 18th that’s why
by Iwannabeyourgirlfriend November 15, 2019
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the day in which the most amazing handsome man was ever born. His name was Gary.
"Hey wanna go to my party on November 18th?" *orgasms over the thought that the great Gary was born on that day* "hell yeah nigga"
by crowcoffin November 7, 2017
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National steal Brooklyn's ruler but if she doesnt bring it you can slap her 3,500 times day!
Ex 1:

Hayden: Brooklyn give me your ruler!
Brooklyn: No!
Hayden: But it's November 18th!

Ex 2:
Hayden: Where's your ruler?
Brooklyn: I forgot it! Jokes on you!
Hayden: I guess your gonna be brusied! Get ready for 3,500 slaps!
by noodleandspagett October 28, 2019
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-Hey it’s our November 18th!!
-I know
by AydoTomato November 1, 2020
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