"Sexually Frustrated"
When you havent had sex in a very long time!
Girl:OMG!!my boyfriend has been away for like 4 months and ive been so SF its not even funny -_-

Guy: Damn bro, i havent seen my girl in 3 days im fkn SF!!!
by creatorofsf September 1, 2011
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shit,fuck, commonly used in a awkwardly situation,a code word,which is signalledo ut to another person who knows the meaning aswell.
Mom : sally(daughter) i saw your nude photos on the computer
daughter:Oh really mom? (looks at friend and says SF)
by Michael jackson58 October 3, 2009
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An abbreviation used to describe having skateboard/snowboard fantasy syndrome. Fantasizing about a trick you want to do but can’t
Oh man I’m having some mad sfs at that 12 stair over there “
by YayeetV2 May 10, 2018
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SFS is an abbreviation for ‘shoutout for shoutout’ mostly seen on Instagram stories. ‘Shoutout for shoutout’ means to advertise other people’s accounts and in return they’ll do the same.
Friend 1: sfs?
Friend 2: sure
Both: post each others @ on their stories
by Willyman555 July 17, 2019
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Same Fuckin' Shit; A reaction to someone when two things he/she mentions are undeniably and objectively similar or identical.
John: Hey Frank, can you pass the Booze?

Frank: You mean alcohol...

John: SFS
by Albertross99 January 4, 2011
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SFS is short for Somalian Forehead Syndrome. A fake syndrome describing people who suffer from disproportional sized foreheads common with people of Somalian descent. Used in conservation as an insult.
Person 1: You've got SFS.
Person 2: Fuck you!

"Hey, take a look over there, that guy is suffering from a massive case of SFS."
by Some other other guy April 16, 2008
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Woah Woah Get that sf off the screen
Dude i know right sausage fests are so gross
by doodel November 14, 2011
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