Man cunt. The perfect insult. Comes off as both offensive and educated. Examples of munts include Carson Strong (bowl quitter), Mike Pence, Anderson Cooper, Mark Stein, Lebron James, Kevin Durant, etc.
Dude 1: You fucked my gf while I was babysitting your kids!
Dude 2: sorry dude but she offered to give me a blowjob
Dude 1: You munt!
Dude 2: What?
Dude 1: Man-cunt. You are the exact definition of a munt you son of a bitch!
by Biden is a dick December 23, 2021
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Munt: the collection of all bodily fluids (semen, piss, shit, vomit) into the bunt of an extremely loose woman. Think of the stuffing in the ass end of your Thanksgiving Turkey. You're welcome.
"Dude, Stank Sally didn't wash up after her most recent fluid-filled gang bang Donnie she's rocking a big pile of Munt in her Bunt!"
by Squeezy McQueef May 23, 2017
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Man cunt - a man’s douched and lubed anus, ready to be smashed.
Hey John I really want to fuck your munt.
by Hamish 108 September 12, 2018
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English slang meaning clapped but another higher level. Directed at Girls
Mate that girl is proper munt, shes flat as fuck
by wagwanmyschlime March 9, 2021
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Meaning useless, damaged or lazy. When someone is a Munt, they are useless at jobs and minor tasks that are in everyday life. When you are to Munt something, you would have destroyed it.
Eg 1.

Andrew: “My co-worker at the cleaning company doesn’t even clean the mop bucket out when he uses it, nor does he clean the toilets properly! He is a munt!”
Eg 2.
Belinda “Now be careful with my favourite doll! Don’t munt it!”
by cb:D March 24, 2023
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Munt= man cunt- when calling someone a dick just doesn't cover it.
Bob: wow Jim is an asshole when he's drunk.

Bill: yeah he's a real munt!
by pseudostan October 1, 2014
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