Girl 1: I heard Brittany's lasagna Was soggy
Girl 2: Yes indeed
by FBGM definitions July 24, 2020
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A food item that really shouldn't exist.
Person 1: Yo, let's go get some lasagna!
Person 2: Ew, no. Lasagna's like a love child of tomatoes and pasta
by Mushy Lasagna February 27, 2019
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Nude Pictures. Used as code for selling nudes direct over chat sites.
I need to make my rent, anyone want to by some lasagna?
by KDubmaps October 2, 2020
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A sweet drink made from carrots and mushrooms. Anteaters like to drink lasagna
by ser see swee February 4, 2021
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When you think you are done wiping but take another shit and wipe again. The layers constitute a Lasagna.
A just went to the bathroom for poo but it was a lasagna.
Lasagna is the opposite of a perfect.
by G_spot_3 March 28, 2020
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The most heavenly dish. God eats it. No, god is lasagna!
I feel like eating God! Let’s eat lasagna!
by Lalalalasagna April 30, 2020
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When a girl is so horny and she want to have intercourse with a penis.
Omg I want Lasagna so bad right now. ;)
by Yo momma named John May 23, 2022
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