When you've already cum inside of someone, and you fuck them again when the cum from the first ride starts seeping out.
We went all night. So many marshmallow rides.
by Marshysib7 November 27, 2016
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when an extremely white persons ass folds over a thong therefore looking like a marshmallow
did u see brittnays marshmallow thong
by the vaginacologist vampire October 10, 2010
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Drug related:
Rock of ready on top of chore with rez sprinkled on top! ❄️
A toasted marshmallow makes your head light and fluffy and your hair sizzle!!
by BurnLarryGoode July 15, 2023
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Drug related:

A rock of ready on top of chore with rez on top.
That toasted marshmallow is making me feel gooey on the inside!
by BurnLarryGoode July 15, 2023
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When a pale girl gets a tan around only the top or side of her boobs from wearing a bikini in the sun.
Male 1: "dayum that momma got sum toasted marshmallows!"
Male 2: "yuh"
by ELMO'S BUTTHOLE June 27, 2018
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Cousin to the Dutch Oven, only with a Toasted Marshmallow, you load her pillow up with your anal expulsions then wait until she puts her head on it (or, you could just hold it over her face).
Dude, Melissa got quite the Toasted Marshmallow last night. I ass gassed her pillow and waited for her head to land. Totally stunk her out!
by Whacky-doodle April 25, 2018
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Roasting a marshmallow
Nobody likes telling Cindy how to do her job. "Why's Dan crying in his office?"
"I saw him roasting a marshmallow earlier and now he feels like a mushy pile of donkey shit."
"Cindy sucks."
"Ooo, burn."
by ScryBaby June 13, 2017
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