a light smackdown... or punch
Der. 'To Biff' 'Biffed' 'Biffing'
'I will Biff you up'

'Man just got Biffed'
by Machman January 26, 2009
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A slang term for cocaine in Aberdeen, Scotland.
Oi mate fancy getting some biff tonight?”

Yeah mate, let’s get fucking heaps of biff”
by Biffman April 10, 2021
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There's a double usage to biff. Mainly in Northern Scotland.
Biff means "to go" or "has gone".
Biff also means, in polite terms, "go away and leave me alone", similar to "Fuck off".
1a. "Gonna biff up the shop in a few and get a 4 pack"
"Where's John?"
"He biffed over to his Mum's earlier to get his washing done"

2. "Biff off, prick... I don't wanna deal with your shit"
by MoFo Rodent November 29, 2017
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Maff is a Biff!
by Word5leuth January 26, 2018
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You biffed it! Why would u even try hitting that huge jump!
by FuckDontEvenNeedAFuckingName September 28, 2016
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