1. The result of having anal sex with a diabetic who's forgotten to take their insulin.

2. When you fuck a diabetic in the ass so hard that they slip into a diabetic coma.
A: Dude, I was fooling around with Sandy last night, and well .... rump-beetus.

B: Woah, I didn't know she was diabetic!
by ErantyInt June 6, 2012
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An act of brotherly love involving two fraternity brothers seeking true brotherhood. One brother grabs hold of the other's bum and proceeds to "rump it".
Hey did you hear about the U of A SAEdogs?

Yeah I heard they switched their focus to bum rumping.
by Brotherhood and Philanthropy February 16, 2016
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A rump tease is a girl who attracts attention from the behind but when one examines the front finds the said girl to be simply below standards.
Izzy saw the Rump Tease from behind and made a move only to find himself disgusted with the interaction when she faced him.
by i123 July 5, 2009
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a rare moment when upon awakening, you witness one of your pets using another pet's rear-end as their pillow. a sure cure to get anyone thru their morning slump
My cat avoids my dog like the plague, but today she decided to cozy on in to produce a well-executed morning rump. I sent my fam and homies the best pics they'll see all week.
by OriginalHomie May 4, 2023
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The act of getting some one black out drunk on Crown Royal, inserting your fist into their anus, and leaving before they awaken.
I think my girl friend went crown rumping last night because my ass hurts and there were plastic gloves on the night stand this morning.
by Piptholomew June 23, 2017
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An oily, malodorous substance found in the folds and cracks of one's butt. Typically found after a hasty wipe and/or following a rigorous workout routine. Similar to butt cheese or duck butter. Could also be a prime ingredient in the making of truffle butter.
Noun: I itched my butt and retrieved a healthy dollop of Rump Grease.

Verb: My girlfriend Rump Greased my driveshaft. I had to take an immediate shower. It itched for a week.
by Doc184 March 8, 2016
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