a stool that has not yet been flushed down the toilet.
i couldn't believe that there was a lazing stool in their bathroom!
by Rewskeee December 3, 2014
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A toe'd stool is when you stick your toe in someone's asshole and pull out a large amount of shit.
Joshs girlfriend wanted a toe'd stool so Josh slid his big toe in her dirty little asshole and pulled out a fat chunk of muddy love.
by Ginga Geezus November 17, 2019
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In gay culture the bar stool is the guy you would not have considered, you dont rate him. He doesn't impress you and you never considered him in any way. Perhaps someone asked if you were attracted to him and the thought had never occurred, you decide he isnt despicable but he definitely isnt attractive.
Oh, errrr, I guess hes less than a 5, he has an Ok personality, errrr, well he isnt ugly. I guess if I'm 60 and I dont want to live alone then errr maybe. I suppose hes the bar stool, definitely the last bar stool.
by KJ BELAFONTE September 8, 2019
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A "step up to new heights" furniture-device dat is so rugged dat you can casually kick it here and there around da floor without damaging it at all.
When ol' Tricky Doohickey said, "You won't have Nixon to kick around anymore" after he was ousted from Congress, he didn't realize that he could still have squatted on all-fours and served as a "Nixon stool" for the senators and representatives to bunt into place with their shoes and then climb up on to reach law-books on the higher shelves in the Library of Congress.
by QuacksO November 22, 2019
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A form of explosive diarrhea that literally sprays the inside of your toilet bowl in a thin layer of brown.
I cannot make it to work today, I got spray stool again.
by Johann Doe December 18, 2018
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