The most horrible thing in the universe. A slang term for a vagina.
She spread her zorch wide while stretching at the gym, resulting in nausea and vomiting.
by gagging massively July 17, 2010
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one who sucks out farts
that guys sucking a fart of that person's ass, he's such a zorch
by Bob November 25, 2003
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Yes, a zorch IS a person who sucks gas from butts. Originally, a person who sucks gas from the butts of dead seaguls on the beach.
I was walking at Jones Beach and spied a zorch picking up seagul corpes and sucking at their asses.
by Blogger May 10, 2005
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The person who sucks the fart out of the seats at the end of a movie.
John 1: So John what do you do for a living?
John 2: Nothing much, just been zorching
by Gabriel S. August 24, 2007
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slang the female sex organ, the vagina.
That is the biggest zorch I have ever seen!

That zorch looks like it has the syphilis monster living inside.

BOB: "Sally's zorch has teeth!"
BILL: "Dude, those are scabs..."
by Super_Pope January 7, 2004
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The skin that is contained in the crotchular area of an individual, be it male or female. It starts at the pubic bone and reaches the anus with a small epidermal portion of the legs surrounding it on the left and right.
Oye, my zorch is killing me dear. It's quite chapped and raw.

Fucking crap man, I've got a housing project for crabs being built in my zorch right now. Im'a hafta get a bottle of that Rid shit and douse my junk in it.

You can fucking lick out my zorch, ya bitch!
by Bill February 14, 2004
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A zorch was spotted on Main Street at 3:45 pm today. Further reports have stated that the zorch has been seen performing his act for several weeks.
by slopsherslasher May 22, 2009
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