To cut in front of someone who is standing in a queue.
"HEY! You can't zeek me! Go to the end of the line!"
by urbanenglishmajor March 28, 2010
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That God-Like human that's caring, awesome, and knows how to socialize.
Hey, the newbie is a pretty cool Zeek. We should hang out with him/her and show him/her around.
by ClearlyGod March 17, 2011
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Yo I smoked that shit so hard I'm fucking zeeked.
by fuckingfrank September 23, 2018
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The human male organ that hangs in between his legs.
Chick 1: Woah, did you see his zeek? It was huge!

Chick 2: Nahh, his zeek was mad small. I've had it in me before.
by Crutches June 29, 2009
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The act of agreeing to be eaten alive, penis first.
Dr. Jeek went zeeking up the creak.
by Uncle Greeb December 23, 2003
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a tall skinny gay bird. n.
often thinks of him self as a "captian" or in charge. adv
to pull a stupid move or act like an idiot. verb
"God damnit zeek your a total fuck up".
Troy said, "zeek your one stupid cunt".
Zeek- oh shit im lost
by adam saad bing bong bodity September 26, 2007
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Citizen of the Prinicipality of Zeon or adjective of zeonic.
I am a Zeek.
I hate zeeks.
I like zeek women.
by Chance Drozel April 11, 2005
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